I’m so excited to share 3 ways to Spring clean your photos this Spring!
Recently, I’ve been on a kick since January, cleaning out everything. Every drawer. Every shelf. Every closet. Box. Everything. Here’s the trick:
You choose ONE spot you’re going to clean up and set a 15 minute timer. The goal is to pull everything out, sort it, throw things away, go off of your gut feeling and be done all before the timer ends. Once the timer goes off… you’re done. Enjoy the reward of cleaning out one space and let yourself be finished. Then repeat it tomorrow.
It’s nice because it’s manageable. You can easily find 15 minutes to clean out.
I’ve found that by taking little steps, the process of seeing spots slowly get cleaned out is SO motivating!
That’s what today’s blog is all about: Little ways you can Spring Clean Your Photos (in 15 mins or less a day!)
We have too much of a good thing…
I might sound like a broken record, but do me a favor… pause right now and go look at your camera roll. How many photos do you have saved on your phone right now?
The average person has about 3,000 photos saved on their camera roll! And this isn’t new news… but your photos aren’t safe there. Your iphone was never meant to be a storage device.
“In a research that OnePoll conducted, the findings revealed that a typical individual has over 3,000 photos (2,795) in their smartphone gallery and wants to print over one-third of these images (34%)” (source: DigitalInformationWorld.com)
We have too much of a good thing! You can’t possibly enjoy all 3,000 photos on your camera roll. Those photos are lost just collecting ‘digital dust’ and never fully being enjoyed.
This is why as a photographer, I’m so passionate about helping my clients actually PRINT their family photos during our ordering appointment.
However, here are 3 ways to Spring Clean Your Photos this Spiring! Three very simple ways you can freshen up your photos this Spring and also create a system moving forward for staying organized
1. Digital Declutter Your iPhone Photos

IF you want to go back and sort through your old photos, then here’s how I would suggest going about it.
- Start by creating a folder on your phone in photos titled: “YEAR FAVORITES”. Inside of that folder create an album for each month.
- Pick ONE month you are going to go through that day and set a 15 minute timer to quickly go through it, find your favorite photo from each event and add it to the album with the correct month
- You could also create a TO PRINT album inside of the year folder and add any photos you love and want to print to that album
Also, take note of the type/style of photos that you love and are saving… this will allow you to be intentional next time you pull out your camera.
Before you pull out your camera, think:
- Is this actually something I want a photo of and will want to enjoy later? OR
- Do I just want to let myself enjoy the moment without pulling out my camera?
2. Print Your Favorites As Loose Prints
This is where it starts to get fun! You’ve sorted your favorites and done all the hard work. Now, upload your TO PRINT folder to the site where you want to print. Easy as that.
For loose prints of everyday snapshots, I love Parabo Press’ 4×4 square prints! They are so fun to have around the house! A very cute and easy way to enjoy your photos!
If you want more help with printing your photos (both iphone snapshots and professional photos), I went ahead and created a checklist to walk you through it step-by-step. You can print it off and check it off as you go! And it’s broken into super simple and quick steps for you, to make sure you actually get? it ? done?
You can download the complimentary BGP Checklist here:

3. Update Your Walls & Order Your Albums

Lastly, one of my favorite ways to Spring clean your family photos is just simply to update your walls with fresh family photos! It makes everything feel so nice and refreshed.
Or maybe it’s time to order your next family album! Use this slower season to catch up on updating your family photo projects.
If you’re in need of booking another session, you can CLICK HERE to inquire about your next session.
It’s one of my favorite steps to design gallery walls and help my BG Moms order their frames! Or design their album for them. I love being able to take this off of their plates.
If your walls are in need of a refresh or it’s time to order your next family album, then this is your loving kick in the pants to get on it. OR you can reach out to me HERE and I’d love to hold your hand and do this step for you after your session!
Create a System Moving Forward
Here’s a little bonus tip for you that your future self will thank you for: Create a system for organizing your photos moving forward. That way this time next year, you will be able to easily find your favorites and print them.
- Set up the folder system on your phone that I mentioned earlier. After every set or grouping of photos you capture or before bed each night, take a minute to choose your favorite one and add it to that month’s folder. Then, once a month you can print off your favorites or save them to make it easy to put together your album in a year.
- Be intentional with the photos you take when you pull out your camera (only take 3-5 at a time). So often we take a TON of photos every time we pull out our cameras. When really, you just need 1 or 2 where everyone’s eyes are open. You will be thanking yourself later for this: Not only will it save your storage, but it will be so much easier to sort through them and enjoy them.
If you want more help creating a photo system that works for you, then you can download this *free* BGP Guide: How to Take Your Family Photos from Digital Clutter to Family Heirlooms. Think of this as long-term planning. How do you want your photos to be displayed so you can enjoy them by the time you are 70. You can download it here:

I hope these 3 ways to Spring Clean Your Photos this Spiring was helpful for getting your gears turning on how you can freshen up your photos this Spring. This should be enjoyable… taking you down memory lane while looking at sweet photos of your littles!
So, pick one way you’re going to Spring clean your photos before next month and leave it in the comments below! I would love to cheer you on!