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Bethie's Top picks


Hey There!! I’m Bethie! Welcome to the BGP Blog!! I want you to know that I’m honored you're here. While a lot of the time, I love to highlight a few of my favorite photos from sessions and dreamy weddings, my main hope for this page is to give women resources and encouragement to help them live peaceful and joyful lives so they can in turn leave a beautiful legacy that is life-giving to others.

I hope that this is a small place on the internet that you can come to find things that are good, true, noble, and lovely. And to be a place that gives you life, joy, excitement and peace while you're here… Happy reading!

A Note from the Blogger

Let’s face it mama, the urge to always want to take a cute photo of your littles isn’t going anywhere soon.  In this blog, I’m sharing 5 tips to take better photos of your kids! So you can focus on quality over quantity. It’s time to uplevel your mom-topgraphy skills!

5 Tips to Take Better Photos Of Your Kids

Latest Post

I'm an open book in my blogs. I share everything that has taken me from living in sickness, anxiety, and depression to having life abundantly. I don't share for pity or as a way to vent, but rather to encourage other women to live a peaceful and simplified life. I'll only address things when I can look back and with clear thinking decide what has helped me throughout this journey. 

If you are looking for resources to bring peace and health back into your life and help you leave a life-giving leagacy, head to the shop the blog page!

I can only speak through experience, but I'll share every step of the way... 

Want to make sure that you never miss a blog? Well, (I’m flattered) and I’m glad you enjoy reading them. Subscribe and I’ll let you know everytime a new one goes live!


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