Let me tell ya something about my mom… she is very productive and an early bird! By the time 4am comes around she has been up and already had four cups of coffee. The house is in full motion. Bible done. Laundry done. Dishes washed. Gone for a walk. Watered the flowers. Paid the bills. And responded to every email in the inbox. All before 6am! It’s a little insane, but I can’t lie… the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. And I love waking up early too! As I got older and had school work to get done, it was the best! Waking up at 5am, before the sun was even awake, with a steamy cup of coffee and a book to read, was amazing! It felt like bonus hours! Time to get stuff done before the rest of the world wakes up.
I would say waking up early is the most peaceful way to start my day and I think everyone should try it. It gives me time to prepare for the rest of the day, before the day “officially” begins. Over the years what I do in the morning, while most of the house (and world) is asleep, has changed a bunched. It was finishing homework, then reading, prayer time. Recently, I have been waking up early and getting a workout in before 6:30am, going for a walk, and easing into the day.
Studies have shown that some of the most successful people in the world wake up early, exercise, journal, pray, grab a coffee, and eat a good breakfast before they fully begin their day and head off to work.
Learn to Love Waking up Early
I’ve always been an early riser, but here is how I get back into it when I lose the rhythm of waking up early. Start slow and work your way up in 30 min increments. Waking up 30 minutes earlier each day. Get into the habit of waking up early rather than becoming an early bird right away. So, make the morning enjoyable for yourself. Watch the sunrise with a warm cup of coffee, read a book, listen to a podcast, rather than forcing yourself to wake up to do something you might not enjoy.
I can’t wait for you to feel ahead of the game and learn to love waking up early, with this incredibly peaceful, productive, and non-distracting way to start your day!
And Mom, you’re crushing it with your early morning habits!
I also feel so much more productive in the mornings! But I definitely could continue to wake up earlier and earlier. I will be using these tips for sure – so inspiring!